I have seen this several times on Twitter.
It took me a bit to figure out what it meant. According to the emojipedia (won't lie, kind of excited that I found this site), it is a nod to getting 100% on your paper in class. It means "keep it real" or to show that you have a lot of pride in an idea-that you like it 100%.
This is an emoji I use a lot. I like to think of it as sending love to whomever I am talking to. They are called "Face Blowing a Kiss" and "Revolving Hearts" and were originally meant to say good night and ??? I think they work for my intended purpose.
This is my husband's favorite emoji to send. It is called "Man dancing" and it means man dancing. When he sends it, he sends it because he is excited about whatever is going on. Like when he wins tickets to a concert (that's his hobby-he tries to win radio contests. He's been pretty successful lately). If you were to see him in person, he really does dance when he is happy.
This is what Olivia usually sends to me. It is "Rolling on the floor laughing". It means, hysterical laughter and can be amped up with
"Face with tears of joy" like this
"Face with joy" show something is funny or pleasing. According to the emojipedia, "Face with joy" is "One of the ten most popular emojis between 2014–2018 and was named the Oxford Dictionaries 2015 Word of the Year."
I am really not that funny, I imagine that Liv uses it sarcastically quite a bit.
"Thumbs up" is the one I get the most from Luke (my son). It means approval. He rarely uses emojis so this often comes at the end of a longer conversation as in, "Got it Mom".
It names the emojis, gives some history on them and then shows how several different OS's show the emoji.
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