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And lastly, there's tumblr.

I wanted to check out one more social media site for my exploration.
Image result for tumblr logo images
tumblr is a social media site that lets users be creative without the pressure of advertising.  I can totally see why this is the social media that my son (a video game design major/graphic art minor) would choose for the one social media he is going to use.  You can blog on it (like blogspot), you can post thoughts (like Twitter), you can post pictures and art (like Instagram) and you can post videos (like Tik Tok and You Tube).  

I checked out what was trending on tumblr and while all very interesting, the format for me was overwhelming.  

I also read this article and was really impressed with the concept of tumblr and how has been maintained.  

I like to think through this journey, I became a little more savvy about social media.  I will talk with you all about this tomorrow (Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk).

But here's a preview-

It is not just language that catches on, it is also images.  And memes are a big part of that.  

Being culturally literate means that you know your memes and the language.  

Memes can be found on several social media sites.  Many memes have started on tumblr or Vine, sometimes Instagram and today mostly on Twitter and Tik Tok though tumblr is still big.

Social media has no age, though it does seem like some are more popular with certain age groups.

Keeping up will all the social media sites is EXHAUSTING!  It seems like you really need to pick one or two and then purposefully have others.

Can't wait to hear about all your journeys!
