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In This Essay. . .

When I tell people that I am English teacher, they generally say one of two things to me.  

One, "Oh, I better watch what I say"...
Image result for i am silently correcting your grammar
..which is fair enough because I do notice what you say, what I say, and how we say it.  And unless I am talking with my students, I am usually polite enough to not say anything.  

And two, "What are you reading?"

I wish I could tell you that I have this fantastic list of great literary works that I delve into and come out with deep philosophical thoughts about, but 9 times out of 10, what I am reading is 9th grade essays.  

And 9th grade essays often sound like this. . .

Interesting Question! blah blah blah.  In this essay, I will...state three things to talk about...Transition word, point one, random quote...repeat for point two...repeat for point three...In conclusion, repeat everything I said in thesis.  

I work hard to break them from this formula.  

So when Olivia introduced me to the "In this essay..."meme on Twitter, I was hooked.  I have read "In this essay..." so many times and rarely is there some great revelation shared.  I enjoyed the genesis of the meme (I mean, haven't we all written that one essay where we did this?) as well the profound thinking that people were sharing.  

There's really not a background to the meme.  Someone did it and everyone else joined in.  Here's the definition from Urban Dictionary.  I had to use my phone because I am blocked from looking up Urban dictionary at school (?!?!?) And yes, I still use AOL (don't judge).

Some favorites I found that I would actually like to read the essay of:

i write sins not tragedies and mr. brightside are two timeless songs that still get played on mainstream pop radio stations despite the fact that they're both over 10 years old. i doubt this level of iconic will ever be reached again in our lifetime. in this essay i will

Wario and Waluigi are inverse versions of Mario and Luigi, hence the "W" names – "M" upside down, or inverted. For this reason, the evil version of Peach would not be called "WaPeach," but rather, "beach." In this essay I will
8:25 PM - Jun 12, 2018

In this essay I will be discussing the feminist manifesto that is Make Some Noise by Hannah Montana, a song that encourages young girls to be loud and take up space simply because they deserve to. Before we get started, you must understand that Hannah Montana is actually

the phrase 'mamma mia' is italian, an interjection indicating surprise or shock. yet the famous musical of the same name is set in greece. in this essay,
— femme ritualist (@R3dMotovilov) June 19, 2018

the “in this essay i will” meme isnt funny and people only add it to their weird thoughts or niche opinions because it was nostalgic the first 3 times they saw it...

thank you for coming to my ted talk

And that's where I'm headed tomorrow-what is this Ted Talk meme that Liv keeps mentioning???
